July 27, 2024

Alan Kwadwo Kyeremanten

Yendi’s Member of Parliament, Farouk Aliu Mahama, has expressed his support for Alan Kyerematen, a flag bearer hopeful for the governing New Patriotic Party (NPP), suggesting that Alan Kyerematen would serve well as a minister under Vice President Dr Mahamudu Bawumia’s presidency.

In an interview with Starr News, the lawmaker rejected the “it’s my turn” mantra being used by Alan Kyerematen, emphasizing that no aspirant can claim to have suffered more for the NPP than the others. The determination of the candidate who has endured the most will be left to the delegates.

“Alan is somebody who is very respected and has carried himself well, he is very intelligent. We will need him to become a Minister under Bawumia. But there shouldn’t be a yardstick for you to say that you have suffered. The Vice President has suffered for the party; he has been an existing, important figure in the space of Ghanaian politics for the last sixteen years. He patiently waited for almost ten years before winning. So for Alan to say it’s my turn mantra, such a mantra has been shot down. Because Apreku too is senior to Alan, and when you say suffering, we’ve all suffered. Bawumia has also suffered, Alan too, all of them, but the suffering will be determined by the delegates,” Mr Aliu Mahama stated.

On the other hand, Richard Nyamah, a member of the Alan Kyerematen campaign communication team, disregarded Farouk Aliu Mahama’s comments, considering him a novice in politics. Nyamah asserted that the lawmaker’s opinions should not be taken seriously, as he lacks the experience and gravitas to make such judgments.

“Farouk Aliu Mahama is my junior brother; he is new to politics and does not understand what he is doing and saying, so I’m not going to glorify what he said. His father was a politician, and he just got into Parliament. He doesn’t have the experience and gravitas to say some of the things he is saying. He is just saying them because he needs to be heard. It is his opinion, and I won’t glorify him with a response,” Nyamah added.

The rivalry and discussions among NPP flag-bearer hopefuls continue to captivate the party and political observers as the competition for leadership intensifies.

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