January 22, 2025

President Nana Akufo-Addo and IMANI Africa Founder Franklin Cudjoe

President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo has rejected an assessment by policy think tank, IMANI Africa, which has scored the governing New Patriotic Party (NPP) 48 per cent on fulfilment of promises since assumption of office.

In its latest IMANIFesto report released on Wednesday, the think tank analyzed 510 promises made in the NPP’s 2016 manifesto and scored them based on fully implemented, partially completed and unfulfilled promises.

Mr Akufo-Addo says the marks by the independent think tank does not reflect the true picture of his government.

At a media encounter on Wednesday, Mr Akufo-Addo said: “I disagree with the 48 per cent assessment”.

“We have figured that we are working with a figure of 72% and not 48% in terms of the promises that have been delivered and those that are in the course of being delivered. So, we have a fundamental disagreement on the figures,” he explains.

But Policy Think Tank, IMANI has insisted that its assessment on the fulfillment of President Akufo-Addo’s 2016 campaign promises remains 48.7 percent.

Speaking to Citi News, the Head of Research at IMANI, Patrick Stephenson, said the President rather needs to work towards completing its projects to be able to reach the said 72 percent.

“The problem is the President’s point of response by claiming directly that he disagrees with the score and it is fine for him to do that, but it appears the explanation he gives for that does not justify the claim he made. It appears to be a very dishonest interpretation.

“It will be difficult to suggest that you have a 70 plus percent implementation of promises when some are not complete and others are so it is important for you to adjust the promises that are not complete – those that are at different stages of implementation to a level that suggests some amount of completion statistically and that is what we have done.”

Details of IMANI’s report

IMANI’s findings were based on research it undertook to assess the extent to which promises the New Patriotic Party (NPP) made before the elections had been fulfilled.

“Collecting data from the 2016 NPP manifesto, all main and supplementary budgets by the government to date, annual progress reports, auditor general’s reports, reports of statutory bodies such as the public interest and accountability committee, parliamentary Hansards, websites of various Ministries, Departments and Agencies MDAs, newspapers and news portals, the results show that, the government has achieved an overall performance on executing its manifesto commitment of 48.78 percent, ” the report said.

IMANI also scored the government “54.35 percent in the delivery of its commitments on the economy, 46.21 percent on governance, and 46.44 percent on infrastructure.”

“The government scores 39.13 percent and 43.78 percent on human capital development and social services respectively,” summary of the report added.

The report noted that there were gains from the government’s commitment to agriculture in “ensuring that it pushes through most of its promises to “resuscitate” the sector, with positive results registered in some value chains.”

In his opinion “our assessment is the accurate one” and not the figure released by IMANI Africa

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