July 27, 2024

The Ashanti Regional branch of governing New Patriotic Party (NPP) may reap the impunity by Regional Chairman if not addressed and nib in the bud.

Chairman Bernard Antwi-Bosiako should be held responsible for the internal crisis rocking the NPP in the party’s stronghold, for it could tear the party apart and undermine the quest of the leadership to sustain its dominance.

It is trite that the ruling party under the leadership of Wontumi is riddled with impunity, injustice, and disregard for the principle of internal democracy. Wontumi’s actions and inactions within the party showed that he did not mean well for the NPP.

The structures of the party must move to water-down his bloated egos or he ruins the Chapter by allowing him to run the region through his surrogates.

I have since regretted working for the Chairman’s electoral success in the 2014 Regional Congress.

The open disdain for National Officers of the party is worrisome.

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