October 18, 2024

William Ruth

In response to weeks of relentless protests led by young Kenyans demanding the removal of corrupt officials and holding the current regime accountable for severe hardships inflicted on the country, the Kenya Human Rights Commission (KHRC) has issued a comprehensive set of demands aimed at overhauling the government and ensuring integrity in public service.

Background of the Protests

The protests, primarily driven by the youth, have highlighted widespread dissatisfaction with President William Ruto’s administration. Demonstrators have accused the government of corruption and incompetence, contributing to economic difficulties and a lack of accountability.

Ruto’s Alleged Mistakes

Critics argue that President Ruto’s major misstep was appointing a cabinet that lacked integrity and competence. This has led to increased calls for significant changes in the government’s structure and personnel.

KHRC’s Demands

The KHRC has made several uncompromising demands, targeting key figures and systemic issues:

Immediate Removal of Chief Cabinet Secretary Musalia Mudavadi:

Mudavadi, who was spared in recent government changes, must be removed from his position. The KHRC argues that his office is illegal and cannot be redeemed through the National Dialogue Committee (NADCO) report. Additionally, Ruto had stated that officials aged 60 and above should transition, and Mudavadi is 60.
Dismissal of All Principal Secretaries (PSs):

A thorough purge of the state and public service system is necessary. The KHRC calls for an audit of capacity and integrity across public services, along with new vetting and mandatory wealth declaration processes.
Prosecution of Officials Responsible for Atrocities:

Both outgoing ministers and current security chiefs implicated in ongoing atrocities must face prosecution. Those still serving should be ousted and blacklisted to prevent further violations.
Preparation to Recall MPs and Dissolve Parliament:

MPs who supported the Finance Bill, 2024, and those involved in other constitutional violations should be recalled. The dissolution of the current parliament should be pursued urgently.
Constitutional Adherence for New Cabinet:

Ruto’s new cabinet must be capped at 14 members, with at least two-thirds being women, and must include a fair representation of youth and persons with disabilities. The cabinet should reflect Kenya’s ethnic diversity and end persistent exclusions based on ethnicity and gender.
Integrity of Cabinet Nominees:

All nominees for the new cabinet must possess impeccable integrity as required by Article 73 of the Kenyan Constitution. The vetting process must be rigorous and transparent.
Ruto’s Recent Actions and KHRC’s Response

Despite Ruto’s efforts to address the crisis through policy pronouncements and meetings, the KHRC criticizes his actions as insufficient and contradictory. Ruto’s statements on supporting those affected by protests and taking public contributions in good faith have not been backed by substantive actions. The president’s moves to profile protesters as criminals and the continued abductions and arrests have further fueled public anger.

KHRC’s Additional Proposals

The KHRC has put forward additional proposals, including:

Conduct Office with Integrity:

Ruto must adhere to the leadership and integrity requirements of Article 73 of the Constitution, bringing honor to the nation and promoting public confidence.
End Executive Fiat and Impunity:

Uphold the sovereignty of the people and the Constitution, listening to the aspirations of the populace.
Admit Mistakes and Offer Guarantees:

Acknowledge the regime’s blunders and misgovernance, providing assurances against repetition.
Stop Extrajudicial Killings and Arbitrary Arrests:

Cease threats to protestors and foster human rights-centered governance.
Establish Accountability Framework:

Ensure accountability for state-instigated violations and provide effective support and remedies for affected individuals.
Scrap Unconstitutional Offices:

Eliminate wasteful and unconstitutional positions, such as chief advisors and Cabinet Administrative Secretaries.
Address Rampant Corruption:

Curb reckless spending, borrowing, and public fund looting, rejecting odious debts and preventing public resource laundering.
Align Development Priorities:

Ensure development initiatives align with economic realities and public needs, involving meaningful public participation.
Reject Unconstitutional Proposals:

Oppose sustaining unconstitutional funds like the National Government-Constituency Development Funds (NG-CDF) and National Affirmative Action Fund.
KHRC’s Stance on Dialogue

The KHRC rejects the proposal for a public dialogue, labeling it a waste of resources and a tactic to delay justice. They demand immediate implementation of the Constitution and effective administrative actions by President Ruto.


The KHRC’s demands underscore a critical juncture for Kenya, as the country grapples with governance issues and public discontent. The call for significant reforms aims to restore integrity and accountability in the government, addressing the grievances of the protestors and ensuring a more just and equitable society.

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