Togbui Afede, a campaigner against Oti Region
It is a great privilege to belong to a nation like Ghana. We the people of the Oti enclave always praise God and sing ” ansɛ o; beŋ sa aa sa mo ansɛ o” and ” Wurebuare ansɛ ha kusung” at every gathering. We consider our for-bearers as heroes. Their decision to remain Ghanaians forever is one of the greatest political decision to have been taken by black people ”
I seize the opportunity to thank the people of the then Mamprusi, Dagomba, Gonja and Buem-Krachi provinces for being real patriots during the 1956 plebiscite.
Times have changed, and progressive nations and economies undergo administrative restructuring. The Gold Coast, Asante, the Northern Territories and the Trans Volta Togoland have all gone through several structural adjustments. None of those exercise posed any threat what so ever.
The framers of our constitution saw the need for further regional restructuring and made adequate provisions for it.
It is in light of this that the law-abiding development oriented forward minded and right-thinking Chiefs and people of the Oti enclave (soon to be known as Oti region) and other parts of Ghana petitioned the government of Ghana for a new administrative region. They clearly stated their motives as development oriented.
It is however unthinkable how some people who basically have no traditional jurisdiction or any locus of reasoning in these areas cry Wolf, wolf where there is none. They issued press statements upon statements, demonstration upon demonstrations. I have read their noises and tried as much as possible to make some sense out of it, but I found none. Could those describing these chiefs as in-looking who never sought the progress of other be right?
These people from Asogli and Anglo conduct themselves as if they are the mouth piece for the good people of Adele, Ntrubo, Buem, Likpe, Santrokofi, Nawuri, Krachi, Nkonya, Choke- Nchumuru and Bandalor-Nchumuru, etc traditional areas that petitioned the government for the Oti region.
It is surprising that the respected Togbe Afede and Chairman of the most revered National house of chiefs would countenance the numerous senseless demonstrations in his backyard. Since when have they started taking medication for sick people elsewhere?
I would like those crying foul to give 3 reasonable reasons why those calling for Oti should be denied their constitutional right.
On this note I call on all illegible voters in the Oti enclave to vote ” yes”
Source: I.K Anenya