October 18, 2024

In the mid hours of yesterday, Soldiers deployed under COVID-19 Lockdown Operation in the Greater Kumasi Region descended on a twenty-seven years old man at Ejisu in the Ejisu Municipality in the Greater Kumasi Region and beat the living daylight out of him for filming them.

According to an eyewitness, the Soldiers claimed the victim only identified as Kwame was standing on the first floor of a storey- building whilst filming them with his smartphone.

He said, the irate Soldiers went inside the victim’s house and flogged him with cable wire after destroying the phone.

Speaking to the victim, it is true I was filming them but not on bad taught, adding that the Soldiers were dancing and singing which attracted him to take a video of them.

According to Kwame, the victim, two men in military uniform broke into his house and brutalized him mercilessly.

He said, no one could ask them anything to avoid harassment and the kind of inhuman treatment meted on him is not the best way to maintain social order.

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