October 24, 2024


The first Vice Ashanti Regional Chairman and Coordinator of Natural Disaster Management Organization (NADMO) Kwabena Nsenkyire was on Tuesday, August 20th ,2019, caught guarding three fully loaded trucks of illegal logs from the Ahafo area in his official vehicle with Siren.

Nsenktire in his NADMO Pickup escorting the illegal logs

Nsenkyire and four others aboard his car led the trucks from Anyinasuso in the Ahafo Ano North Municipality through Wiaso to Duyaw Nkwanta in the Ahafo Ano South West District through Kunsu,Mankranso the district capital to Kumasi.

The logs were carried in trucks with registration numbers AS 2944-19, AW 5383-13 and GR 483-14.

All efforts by the  TIDD and Police posts on the way to impound the vehicles carrying the logs failed because  the NADMO Boss give way on the excuse that the   President and the NPP Party has tasked him (Nsenkyire) to ensure smooth and  safe passage of such illegal business in the region to support the party.

Residents in the area who spoke to The Hawk News team are wondering if government is really committed to resuscitating defunct Ayum Timber Company at Mim in the recently created Ahafo Region and protecting their forest with the introduction of Forest Guards?






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