October 23, 2024

Ade Coker, Gt. Accra Chairman of NDC

Flawless information TheHawkgGhana.com has gathered indicates that the respected Greater Accra Regional NDC Executive is sharply divided over ‘mafia moves’ by some executives.

Source close to TheHawkgGhana.com alleged that there is a serious infighting among regional executives.

The source hints chairman Ade Kobena Cocker, the Secretary, Theophilus Tetteh Chaie and Jerry Johnson, regional communication officers are accusing themselves of sabotaging the efforts of the region to recover all her lost seats and to add more.

It alleged that some executives clandestinely go to take money in the name of the region to carry out unknown activities without informing and disclosing the amount involve to other members for record purposes and recognition.

Tetteh Chaie was also accused of practicing arm-chair secretaryship at the region instead of going to the field to work.

Our source further alleged this ‘mafia moves’ used to go on amongst the previous GA Regional NDC administration and it tries to continue in this current administration which has the bland of the old and newly elected executives.

Our source says the confusion among the aforementioned persons is affecting all the party organizations in the region bringing party activities to a standstill.

It was also disclosed to this portal that the executives agreed to carry out a transparent activity for the sake of the NDC, especially with the enthusiasm the party wants to return to power in 2021.

This portal further gathered the GA NDC Secretary, Tetteh Chaie went all out to demand answer and clarifications of party programmes but it did not go down well with chairman and his cohort.

The source hinted that, “Jerry John is one of the big problems the NDC is facing in Greater Accra, he organizes activities without informing the region and he gets the support of chairman Ade Cocker.

“Can you imagine the recent workshop he organized for party communicators, nobody knows how much he budgeted for the program and how much he spent to organize it, but when you raise question the chairman becomes offended”, the source hinted.

“…..This is happening at the time the party is carrying out re-organization process to have a formidable and united front for victory in our next elections, added the source”.

The source also posited that “…..it is surprising to note that the first and the second Vice Chairmen, William Vinyo and Ibrahim Jajah who bragged ran up to the regional elections, has suddenly  become deaf and dumb, they cannot talk”.



Source:WWW.TheHawkGhana.Com/Delali A. Awuyeh /2018









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